Matthew Rigilano, Ph.D.

Matthew Rigilano, Ph.D.
Associate Teaching Professor, 英语

I am a scholar and teacher with a wide range of interests, including 18th century British literature and culture, composition and rhetoric, the theory and history of the novel, 精神分析, continental philosophy, aesthetics and media. As a literary scholar, I’ve been drawn to a variety of strange representations of subjectivity that haunt early modern and Enlightenment texts, such as invisible characters, comatose characters, and speaking objects. As a cultural critic, I have recently written about the state of small talk in the age of hyperindustrial capitalism. I am currently researching for an essay on perversion as the logic of contemporary literary fiction. 作为老师, I encourage students in my writing courses to explore new media technologies and to consider their implications for what it means to be human in the 21st century. 


  • 英语 015: Rhetoric and Composition
  • 英语 030H: Honors Rhetoric and Composition
  • 英语 163N: Defining the Animal
  • 英语 202A: Effective Writing in Social Sciences
  • 英语 202B: Effective Writing in Humanities
  • 英语 201: What is Literature
  • 英语 211: Introduction to Writing Studies
  • 英语 447: The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century

Select Awards, Fellowships, and Honors

Ahmanson-Getty Postdoctoral Fellowship, William Andrews Clark Memorial 图书馆, UCLA (2017–2018)

Presidential Fellowship, SUNY Buffalo (2008–2012)

Teaching Assistantship, SUNY Buffalo (2008–2013)

Teaching Assistantship, Syracuse University (2006–2008)

Peer Reviewed Articles  

“The Decline of Phatic Efficiency.” Postmodern 文化 32.2(2022年1月). 

“Waking the Living-Dead Man: The Biopolitics of Early Modern Sleep.” Journal for Early Modern Cultural Studies 17.4(2017年秋季). 

“Embodying the Invisible: Materiality and Subjectivity in Cavendish, Manley, and Haywood.” The Eighteenth Century: Theory & 解释 57.1(2016年春季). 

“在课间休息 Does Not Exist: Absorption, Literality, and Feminine Subjectivity in Sophia Lee’s 在课间休息.” Eighteenth-Century Fiction 26.2(2014年冬季). 

Other 出版物 

“Novel Empiricisms."检讨 Empiricism and the Early Theory of the Novel: Fielding to Austin, by Roger Maioli and Fictional Matter: Empiricism, Corpuscles, and the Novel, by Helen Thompson. Eighteenth-Century Life 45.1(2021年1月). 

Review of Eliza Haywood’s The Unfortunate Founding (1740), ed. Carol Stewart, in Eighteenth-Century Fiction 33.1(2020年秋季).  

“Inscribing the Infinite,” 中心 & 克拉克通讯, UCLA Center for 17th- & 18th-Century Studies (Winter 2019).   

“Insensibly Led: Digression and/as Literature.” 冗长的 1.2(2018年秋季). 

“Pati Hill’s Impossible Objects.” Pati Hill: Photocopier (Exhibition Catalog). Arcadia University (Spring 2017).

Ph D, 英语 (18th-century British literature), The State University of New York at Buffalo

MA, 英语, Syracuse University

BA, 英语, The 宾西法尼亚 State University

Recent Presentations 

“The Pervert’s Discourse and the Social Superego.《拉康:诊所 & 文化. 宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡. 2022年10月. 

“‘Every Several Nothings’: Cavendish and the Not-All.” Panel on “The Philosophy of Gender.” The 在线 Olio Webinar Series. 10月17日. 

“Another World of Spirits: Cavendish and Swedenborg.” American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. 2021年公约. 在线. 2021年4月.  

“‘Scrambling, mutilated, scanty, and irregular’: On Character.” Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. 2018年公约. 罗彻斯特,纽约. 2018年10月.  

“在哪里  结束,在哪里  begins’: Mediating Chit-Chat in the Eighteenth Century.” Center for the 17th- & 18th-Century Studies, UCLA. “成为媒体.” Los Angeles, CA. 2017年10月.